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Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a floor-based yoga practice in which poses are held for 3-10 minutes. This is a much longer hold of poses than in the more conventional Yang practice (faster more strenuous classes) which is just one of the reasons why Yin Yoga is considered to be the opposite of Yang yoga. In yang yoga we are tensing our muscles and in yin practice it is all about the release of the muscles as well as the gentle, prolonged stress of the other tissues of our body. The reasoning behind this longer hold of poses is multi-folded and has physical, mental and emotional implications.


Tuesday 19:45-20:45


What is the purpose of yin yoga?


Yin practice is about entering a pose with the intention to feel it in your target area without reaching a point of going too far and feeling a strain. It is about finding your specific edge in a pose- some resistance but not pain- without focusing on the aesthetic of the pose. 

Are props used in yin yoga?

Props are often used in yin to aid us in finding both our edge and this softness.

Why is it important to practice yin yoga?

One of the practical reasons for it is to extend our stretching into our deeper yin tissues for example the fascia, connective tissue, ligaments and tendons. These are parts of the body which hugely benefit from the longer holding of poses.

Does yin yoga make you more flexible?

Yes, Yin Yoga stimulates the production of more synovial fluid which reduces friction in our joints. It also reduces the resistance to movement you can feel in your body- approx. 50% of this tension and resistance comes from our connective tissue which are our yin tissues- by maintaining their health through our yin practice more space is created in the body for increased flexibility and range of motion.

IIs yin yoga good for your mental Health?

Yes, another benefit of yin practice is an increased mind-body connection- this can allow our parasympathetic nervous system to relax which stimulates rest and repair in the body.

Why are poses held for longer in Yin Yoga?

The longer holding of poses also allows us to spend more time on the target area of the pose. This is beneficial as we can direct our bodies energy (chi) to that area. This enables us to clear toxins, stagnant energy and other blockages from our target areas so that our chi can move through them freely and along our meridian lines.